What Color Is Your Fire Hydrant? - To Plan or Not to Plan....

Would you ever voluntarily move onto a street without fire hydrants?


Why not?


As I understand it, some municipalities paint their fire hydrants according to their water pressure. Low water pressure hydrants are painted one color while the more effective high pressure hydrants are painted a different color. Some towns use red and green respectively. Some use silver and black.


These differences are not planned but develop over time. As communities grow and change, water use shifts, pressures change and life creates differences.


In business, and in life, it pays to anticipate change.


Where is your business headed?


When would be a good time to find out how good your business planning is?


In 1906, one neighborhood, The Mission District, survived the fires triggered by the Great San Francisco Earthquake. One fire hydrant there never ran out of water. That fire hydrant is celebrated even today.


It is re-painted gold every April.


A reactive approach to life and business is like operating without a proper fire hydrant. Little fires become big ones. Surprises become all consuming challenges. A sneeze becomes terminal. Most small businesses fail within 5-6 years. Failing to plan is planning to fail.


How many of you know of families that face uncertain futures because of an unexpected event? An accident, an illness or job loss?


How many of you know businesses that have failed to adapt to a changed economy or the unexpected loss of one key supplier, customer or employee?


Running a business shouldn’t be just about putting out fires.


What color is your fire hydrant?


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