Salon & Spa Consulting Services + Fees

Salon & Spa Owners Choose Us Because They:

· Want to know how to avoid start-up pitfalls…

· Want to serve more clients…

· Want more time to personally serve clients…

· Want a culture that treats clients like honored guests the first time and beloved family every time afterwards…

· Want help training staff to create that culture…

· Want help building the brand they’ve always wanted and their community has always needed…

· Are looking to expand to a second or third location…

· Are looking to sell their salon/spa soon for more than it’s worth today…

· Want clear insight on their salon/spa’s business strengths and weaknesses…

· Want help achieving the proper balance of product and service sales…

· Want fees that are fair (<2% of Gross Revenue) and commensurate with results…

Call/Text Us Today: 833 247-8277


We Never Want Clients To Hesitate To Call...

Our Fees Will Never Surprise You.

Roles/Project Scope Well Defined & In Writing But...

No Long Term Contracts....

...We Prefer Relationships.


Starting Line:

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  • We will help you secure small business loans and investor funding.

  • We work through the process of building - and writing down - a salon/spa business plan you will use.

  • We work with you to deliver a marketing plan that effectively communicates compelling promises and an operating plan that ensures you and your properly trained team are positioned to consistently deliver more than promised. We will help you execute these plans.

  • We take you through every step of opening your Salon &/or Spa. This includes creating your products and services menu, determining your physical layout and overseeing build-out, business review of lease and other agreements, vendor setup, employee hiring, website content and other marketing messaging.

  • We build a financial KPI dashboard that shows you how the business is performing AND will perform with respect to the business plan.

Fees: We work with owners of new small businesses. We structure fees that reflect the timing of funding and initial revenue. 

Surging Ahead:

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  • We review what your salon/spa does well and explore ways to build on strengths. We also look at what new services/products your clients are asking for and how they fit in with your brand. We also identify any limitations to opening well-functioning additional locations.

  • We identify key performance indicators that are needed to successfully manage a larger salon/spa or multiple locations.

  • We reset the vision for the salon/spa business, affirming mission and values and ensure the growth plan enhances and protects the brand.

  • We work with potential investors and lenders to ensure salon/spa business remains adequately capitalized.

Fees: Some Clients In This Category Prefer To Pay an Hourly Rate. Our Goal is To Partner With Clients. Time Should Never Be a Factor. In These Cases We Cap Our Retainer and Build In a Performance Fee Based On Desired Growth.


Righting The Ship:

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  • We identify financial strengths and weaknesses and work with you to stop any bleeding while preserving business growth potential.

  • We re-evaluate the salon/spa business and marketing plans and re-build a written plan for success.

  • We review all salon/spa business resources including personnel. We focus on client relationships, desired skills and individual growth potential. We guide you through hard choices.

  • We review and affirm or adjust menu and pricing. We also set detailed short-term operating goals.

Fees: There is often much to do in a short period of time. Fees would consist of a modest retainer and a contingent fee based on profit improvement.

Finishing Strong:

  • We review salon/spa financials to present the owner with a potential successor firm's perspective of the business. We develop key financial targets with the owner.

  • We put a plan in place to transform the salon/spa business into a turnkey investment option for potential buyers. Think: written protocols and well organized client formulae.

  • Alternatively, we work with owners to ensure continuity of service and business results once the owner reduces their day-to-day involvement.

  • We also work to increase sustainable profit growth while protecting all key salon/spa business assets.

Fees: Our Goal Here is To Improve Profitability While Ensuring The Business Is Increasingly Turnkey. Fees Will Largely Be Based On Profit Improvement.



We Serve A Wide Variety Of Businesses:

  • Auto Repair Business Consulting

  • Body Armor Recycling Business Consulting

  • Consumer Recreation Services Business Consulting

  • Dental Practice Consulting

  • Disaster Cleanup Services Business Consulting

  • Franchise Management Consulting

  • Home Remodeling Business Consulting

  • Home Repair Services Business Consulting

  • Industrial Machine Component Wholesale Business Consulting

  • Industrial Motor Repair Business Consulting

  • Intermodal Transportation Business Consulting

  • IT Business Consulting

  • Landscaping Services Business Consulting

  • Luxury Spa Consulting

  • Medical Spa Consulting

  • Non-Profit Management Consulting

  • Private Schools Consulting

  • Restaurant Consulting

  • Salon Business Consulting

  • Specialty Apparel Business Consulting

  • Specialty Hospitality Business Consulting

  • Specialty Medical Practice Consulting

  • Specialty Retail Business Consulting

  • Supplemental Educational Services Consulting

  • Technical Schools Business Consulting