So.....What Can't We Do?



We have done much over the years in service to our clients. While we will absolutely roll up our sleeves and help you realize your business goals and we are subject matter experts in certain areas, there are some things we can't do....and some things we won't do. 


Things we can't do:

  • Provide Tax or Legal Advice;

  • Perform Plumbing or Electrical or Remodeling Services For Your Construction Company;

  • Cook For Your Gourmet French or Italian Restaurant;

  • Treat Your Patient's For Pain (or anything else);

  • Swap Out Your Customers' Brake Lines;

  • Rebuild Your Clients' Industrial Motors...

You Get The Idea....


Things we won't do:

  • We deeply respect a business owner's role and their right to ultimately decide the course for their business. However, we will not work with owners who are consistently unwilling to listen and consider changes.

  • We believe strongly in adhering to the highest moral and ethical business practices. If a company believes the only way to make a profit is to cut corners or sacrifice moral integrity, we will not work with them.

  • If a company has crossed a line and is genuinely seeking a way back, we will help.